Amir Timur made his great contribution into the formation of state system, progress of science and culture. The vast program of town-planning was carried out during his rule and especially - in the capital of state - Samarkand. Huge funds were assigned for the erection of monumental buildings, in fact grandiose architectural buildings were to serve as an indicator of grandeur of empire and its sovereign. Temur gathered skillful architects, builders, masters of architectural decor. We can admire splendid works at the present time. The city charms as personified in real life fairy tales of Shaherezada.
Start your tour visiting Gur Emir building - a mausoleum of Amir Temur. From a distance Gur Emir looks like a blue tulip, folded tightly its turquoise petals. The remains of great sovereign, his two sons and two grandsons, one of them is a prominent scientist and thinker of the East - Mirzo Ulugbek are rested on here.
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